My pal welcomed me over for tea a couple of weeks back. She likewise supplied some scones. I can’t state that I am typically a substantial fan of scones, however, these were scrumptious. I could not stop consuming them, so I precariously asked for the dish. She raved about how simple they were, so naturally, I needed to make them and share! Do not be scared if you have actually never ever made scones in the past! I had not either. This dish initially originates from Martha Stewart. Naturally, I altered it up a bit: I utilized dried cranberries, vanilla yogurt (rather of half & half, since I didn’t have any) and rather of sugar sprayed on top, I utilized a fundamental powdered sugar icing dish. I likewise squeezed in some fresh orange juice (to the dough and icing), however, the taste did not come through as plainly as I had actually hoped. They ended up fantastic for my very first time and are quickly versatile. I hope you’ll provide a shot and let me understand what you believe!
Easy Cranberry Scones
- round shape
- 2 cup all-purpose flour (plus a little more for kneading surface)
- 5 tbsp granulated sugar
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 1/2 tbsp salt
- 6 tbsp cold butter (cut up into small pieces)
- 2/3 cup Half & Half yogurt (may be substituted)
- 1/2 cup fresh or dried cranberries (if using fresh, halve them & drain)
- Preheat your oven to 425°.
- In a large bowl, mix together flour, sugar, baking soda and salt.
- Cut in butter until mixture resembles course crumbs.
- Fold in half & half (or yogurt) and cranberries just until moistened.
- On a floured surface, gently knead dough approximately 10 times.
- Pat into a round shape, about 1 inch thick. Cut into approximately 8 wedges.
- Place on a baking sheet, leaving a couple of inches in-between.
- Bake 12-15 minutes or until a nice golden brown.
- Let cool on a wire rack and enjoy!
Prior to baking, brush tops with a bit of half & half and spray with coarse sugar or after baking, drizzle with light icing.